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    FireGround celebrates 5 Years!

    The most unique gift that you can find for anyone in fire and rescue.

    Makes learning and re-learning

    as easy as a card game. 


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    is Happy to Be Celebrating

    5 Years

    of Card-Playing

    Fun and Training!







    Created for Indoor Drills, but it's also great for Team-Building!


    Teams can be -- engine vs truck, probie vs legacy, officers vs firefighters, A vs B vs C shifts!


    Challenge a neighboring department to a tournament!

  • Created by a Firefighter for Firefighters

    I am starting my 23rd year as a volunteer firefighter, qualified as Class A - SCBA interior. I am a Nationally Certified and New York State Certified Fire Instructor I and have been a Captain and Training Officer.

    The question cards include emergency topics that rural and urban, volunteer and career department members face., with emphasis on fire suppression. Instructors at the NYS Montour Falls Fire Academy have purchased the game to use in their classrooms.

    Don't train until you get it right; train until you can't get it wrong.

  • Three Decks of Cards in a Durable Storage Box

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    FireGround has 430 cards, with 400 questions divided into three decks for levels of difficulty: Easy, Mid-Level, Difficult.

    The questions are on fire suppression, initial fire attack, water supply, pump ops, ladders, search and rescue, ventilation, nozzles, reading smoke, standpipes, hydrants, ponds, alternative-fuel vehicles, tools, MAYDAY, RIT ops, surface ice rescue, trench rescue, low-angle rescue, wildland fire, TIC use, CPR, AED, SCBA, PPE, propane, pipelines, hazmat incidents and more.

    The level of difficulty is shown by the color of the helmet on each card - red helmet for difficult, yellow helmet for mid-level, and green helmet for easy.

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    There also are six knot-tying cards and 24 strategy cards.  

    The game can be played by drawing from the shuffled decks or a shuffled pile or by dealing hands of 5, 6 or 7 cards.

    A moderator can read the questions (mostly multiple choice with a few true-false). The answer is upside down on the bottom left corner of each card.

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    400 Question Cards

    Three decks of cards divided by level of difficulty. Green helmet cards are easiest, yellow helmets are mid-level and red helmets are most difficult.


    Play with one deck, two decks or all three decks. Separate decks or shuffle them together. Your choice.


    Play in teams. Probies v Legacy members or Probie/Legacy or maybe Truck v Engine.


    Use FireGround for training. Change the rules as you want.

    Start a drill or a discussion about tactics, equipment or apparatus with the question cards.

  • Strategy Cards

    The Card Deck for the Green Helmet Cards

    Draw a Mutual Aid card is used to pass a hard question to an opposing Player to answer.

    Standing-By in Quarters card will lose your turn.

    Commendation card is used to avoid losing points for a wrong answer.

    Play for Fun! Play to Learn!

    Play to Win!

  • Shop Now Store Sale

    Unique Gift ~ Team-Building ~ Indoor Drill




    A question card game about firefighting, rescue, hazardous materials, EMS, vehicle extrication, and more. Box contains three decks of 400 question cards, divided by level of difficulty (easiest, mid-level, hardest) and identified by a green, yellow or red helmet on the face of the cards; six knot tying cards; 24 strategy cards; and a Rule Book.
    Coming soon
    FireGround Challenge Coin - Bottle Opener

    FireGround Challenge Coin - Bottle Opener

    A Fireground challenge coin that also can be used as a bottle opener!

    Bearing the motto "Don't train until you get it right. Train until you can't get it wrong."
    It's a great reminder to strive for excellence and persist and persevere until you "can't get it wrong."

    2-1/4" Round burnished gold color with red and black accents.
    Coming soon

    Need a Great Gift for a Young Reader?

    "Sherman's World - Finding Courage"

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    Click on The Back Cover 🔼


    Go To www.shermanandgus.com

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  • Questions? Contact us.

    Are you ready for a game and a drill all-in-one?